I’m a big fan of emerging technology. While I can’t always afford it, our family recently got an Oculus Quest VR headset and I have to say, I’m really impressed. So when I wanted to learn more about VR and talk about the potential of the platform it was a no brainer to call my friend, Amber Osborne, who is a AR/VR marketing strategist and consultant. In my first conversational episode, Amber and I talk about how far VR has come over the last few years, our excitement over the potential future, our love of Ready Player One and the O.A.S.I.S. and more.
Thank you to Amber Osborne for joining me in this podcast to talk about VR. You can reach her at @missdistructo and https://www.amberosborne.com.
Links to topics and products discussed.
Ready Player One – Audible
Haptic Technology
- Haptx – Haptic Gloves and more.
- New VR Skin Will Change Gaming Forever – The Gamer
Companies & Solutions
Development Software
Music provided by Epidemic Sound. Want great music for your next project, check out
Epidemic Sound:https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/cvqnod.