Disclosure: I work for a company that is a Premier partner of Adobe and have partnerships with other vendors mentioned in this article. I do not have access to technical or product roadmaps or have any insights into M&A for any of them. The following is purely my thoughts and opinions and do not represent […]
My Love-Hate Relationship with Facebook
Unless you’ve been under a rock the last few days, you probably know about the recent Facebook news about the data breach/violation via Cambridge Analytica. I had a brief discussion with my friend Ross Quintana on Facebook Live the other night too, but I, unfortunately, didn’t have time to really dig into the topics that have […]
Mining for Personalization: How Far is Too Far?
How far are companies willing to go with technology to mine data and gain insights to deliver personalization to us? I was in a conversation last week at work and somehow we got on the topic of voice and other “creepy” examples we see or interpret that leads to ads appearing on our devices. One […]
Pick Your Words Wisely in a World of 140 Characters and 5 Minute Talks
Two things happened this week that reminded me of the need for concise, clear, communication. First, I gave an Ignite presentation and the second was that Twitter announced it was going to up the character limit from 140 to 280. In both instances, brevity is the key. Be clear, concise, to the point, and get […]
Did Google Have a Better Choice Than to Partner with Walmart?
Short answer? Probably No. Let’s dig in. Amazon is the 800lb gorilla in the e-commerce world. They dropped the bomb of the Echo years before anyone could respond, and Google was the first at-bat with their Google Home. However, both companies have very different pedigrees and therefore are tackling the same problem – how to […]